
Instant Relationship

It's pretty damn convenient, wouldn't you say, to find out that she's bi only yesterday? Within hours, you ended that first affair, and then texted her to make her yours.

What the flying French teacher??? I don't believe I've seen you speak two hundred words to each other before then!! So, allow me to paraphrase your thought processes.

YOU: She's bi!!! OMG, she's so hott!! I didn't know she was bi!!! My girlfriend isn't as hot as she is... And I'm really only going out with her because she's one of the few lesbians in this school.... Hey! I'll tell her that I just want to be friends and ask THIS girl out!!

Fae nough, on your part, if slightly on the shallow side of the pool. Now here's her part of the bargain.

HER: She's a lez, and she asking me out.... Hm, since my last boyfriend dumped me I haven't had anyone all to myself. And I've been lonely. And, hey. She's lez. And the guy I ACTUALLY like needs time to mature.... Why the hell not?

There you have it. The substance of your instant relationship. (Seems kinda petty when put like that, does it not?)

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