
Letter to Self


You're being ridiculous and melodramatic. Stop it.

Your life does not always run as smoothly as you'd like. You cannot always have it all.

Quit bitching and making more problems than actually exist.

You love him. It's scary, I know. This is what? The longest you've been in a relationship since you dated your best friend? It's been a long time since you've met anyone so amazing, and for someone who's used to moving on, that's hard.

But guess what, doll?

It's not falling apart this time.

It still thrills you just to get a text from him. It's still as though you never want evenings with him to end. It still makes you smile to think of him. It's still the case that he's the first person you want to talk to about all your big ideas. It's still him you want.

So, hush. This is not a problem. Focus your energy elsewhere.

Say, don't you have a research paper to write? Or a poem to compose? Or line-edits to do? Or a test to study for? Or groceries you have to buy? Or a resume to revise? Or a gym to go to? Or cookies to bake? Or dishes to wash?

Yeah, I think I've made my point.

- SD

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