
Southern Darling Reality

If you are within five feet of my person and/or are talking to me, you are in my reality. No exceptions, ifs, buts, althoughs, howevers, perhapses or other prevarications. Those are the parameters of my reality and all rules apply. If you don't like the rules or choose not to abide by them, that is perfectly acceptable. You are free to leave my reality at any time and I am free to leave you at any time and take my reality with me. My rules are what make my reality a great place to be and, as I very much enjoy being in a great place, rules are always enforced.

To engage in my reality is to engage in upward motion. There are two key words in that sentence: "upward" and "motion."

"Upward" refers to all things positive. People are to be built up and made to feel good about themselves and the world around them. Smiles, as the number one signifiers of positive emotion, are both bountiful and prized. Any and all frowns are to be alchemized into smiles as quickly as possible.

"Motion" refers to change and progress. There is no status quo in my reality - only improvement thereon. Things are changed, learned from, built upon, and never allowed to stagnate. Laziness and complacency have no place in my reality. Ambition and initiative have mansions.

Taken together, the words "upward motion" refer to a consistent practice of changing things for the better and progressing to higher planes of thought and action.

My reality insists on complete, total, even brutal, honesty (which has a mansion, too, by the way). This means in all aspects - words, deeds, and identities included. This policy does not allow for lies, pretense, masks, self-delusion, or denial. Upward motion is not possible without a clear idea of the place one is moving upward from.

Extended upward motion is only possible if everyone contributes, and thus my reality is also a place of mutual benefit, or give and take. All things - conversation, favors, introductions, advice, clothing, listening ears, etc. - are to be freely shared with the understanding that all will be paid back in due course. This policy does not refer to a mercenary "scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" score-keeping mentality, but to a free-flowing (but not unconditional) generosity in all parties. Give as much value, if not more than, any value taken and upward motion will come easily to all.

The last rule of my reality is that it is my reality. I call the shots, I make the rules, and I decide what and who is cool. There is no one within my reality whom I do not know, cannot talk to, or am uncomfortable with. Anyone within my reality is a friend, someone with whom I can easily talk, and someone I am completely comfortable with.

Welcome to a great place. Enjoy your stay.

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