
How Badly

How badly can we scare each other? Me, with a bleeding-scared slash to the wrist, and you with morbid thoughts of "what-if" when looking towards the trees. Both of us smiling, hiding, and not saying a word until it all breaks down with the softly empty statement. ("The knife didn't slip.")

How badly can we scare ourselves? Rock back and forth with tears down your face, staring at the phone and wondering if you should dial, while across town, the other's doing the same hesi-moment thing. Roll along the carpet, body over body, holding the rope and worrying yourself back into your head. ("It almost feels like rape to me.")

How badly can we hurt each other? Bites in every kiss, like a baritone between our heads. A struggle on the floor for dominance and pleasure, a game of who will submit first and how far will we have to go before we get there. ("I'm always hurting you.")

How badly can we hurt ourselves? Holding ourselves separate behind mental walls, reaching through solid brick for comfort. We rot within our insecurities, our thoughts as acid in the veins of our logic. ("You have to trust that I'll catch you when you fall.")

How badly, darling? How much can our flames flicker, and fan, and burn us?

"I spent the week thinking about driving into a tree."

"I'm afraid to be blind."

"These marks aren't just from my baritone case."

"I'm fine - I was in complete control."

"You scared me last night."

And the unsaid words - ("You hurt me.")



They rolled across the carpet and came to a stop with him on top, face to face, panting-smiling-glaring at each other. His hands encircled her wrists as she was pinned to the floor, his pelvis resting in the cradle of her hips as his knees held her thighs apart. He came down to claim what was (at the moment) his to take.

But she tossed her head to the side to avoid his kiss and in a feat of flexibility and lower body strength (thank you, marching band!), got her feet on his ribs and pushed him away. In seconds, she was on top of him, the tidewater tables having suddenly fallen into Luna's sway.

She pulled the handcuffs from her jeans and got them behind his back, slamming them into place with the ease of practice and passion. He groaned and surrendered as she straddled his back and chuckled in his ear, her red-stained hair forming a momentary curtain around their faces.

Then she kissed him, finally (briefly) gratifying him, before her lips began to nibble a path down his neck, behind his ear (to make a chorus of his moans), and then down his spine, taking pains for symmetry of pleasure. She smiled wickedly as her fingers played him and plucked at their mutual puppet strings.

And then he twisted beneath her, deftly working the safeties on the cheap restraints, catching her and switching the situation as quickly as they fade. But she managed to swing her arm about his waist before she was wholly captured.

They rolled across the carpet, face to face, panting-smiling-glaring adoration.


Update of Overanalyze

Don't be so sure that everything's fine, 'cause I'm fallin' short on every line. I'm searchin' for words that just aren't written, and my masterful improv... Well, let's just say it's been a while since I last took the stage.

I'm a whirlwind balancing act of do this and do that - never ever let on that you're stressed. There's a word for what I'm doing (or maybe it's a phrase...) - "Deception grin to bear it." And who am I deceiving? Myself, but not anyone else. (They all know how little sleep I'm getting.)

Would you stop calling me 'love' when it seems to be falling apart? We've no more to say and so resultingly scream 'romance'. I can feel the gulf growing large and I'm not sure what to do. (Is it not ironic that the control freak is the one most often helpless?)

We are the contrast, the highlight and the shadow, the OCD and the ADD of people. We balance, we turn, we dance, we tumble. And I think you're winning. What the HELL'S going on?

I tell myself to trust, to stop doubting, to let go and ride on out to the end destination (wherever that may be.). But I am just too scared. I once said I was the Queen of Overanalyzing, and it's truer than ever. I want to know what's happening and why and I know it'll be the catalyst for my decadence. (It doesn't mean I can stop.)

Are you resorting to nonexistent scripts, too? 'Cause I don't think everything's fine, but maybe you're blind or the folly is mine. (What's going on?)


After School Enthusiasm (Go Band!!!)

Gaaah! I don't want to go to band practice today! I mean, for once, I have minimal homework, so I could have spent the time squirreling about with my friends, but, no. A force of nature called Hurricane Hanna has to intervene and get tomorrow's football game moved to tonight. And, for some reason, the band director thinks we're a source of school spirit and finds our attendance to these things to be mandatory. So, damn! After school band practice. Yay! (Such enthusiasm.)

Instant Relationship

It's pretty damn convenient, wouldn't you say, to find out that she's bi only yesterday? Within hours, you ended that first affair, and then texted her to make her yours.

What the flying French teacher??? I don't believe I've seen you speak two hundred words to each other before then!! So, allow me to paraphrase your thought processes.

YOU: She's bi!!! OMG, she's so hott!! I didn't know she was bi!!! My girlfriend isn't as hot as she is... And I'm really only going out with her because she's one of the few lesbians in this school.... Hey! I'll tell her that I just want to be friends and ask THIS girl out!!

Fae nough, on your part, if slightly on the shallow side of the pool. Now here's her part of the bargain.

HER: She's a lez, and she asking me out.... Hm, since my last boyfriend dumped me I haven't had anyone all to myself. And I've been lonely. And, hey. She's lez. And the guy I ACTUALLY like needs time to mature.... Why the hell not?

There you have it. The substance of your instant relationship. (Seems kinda petty when put like that, does it not?)


I Dare You

I dare you, baby, to question life's sweet smile. There's a twist to being unhappy, and it's an extra mile. Sunshine falls easier than rain, and the wind clears the clouds as fast as it can. So why bother to hold a frown? Think of curtains and throw your gloom down.

I dare you, darling, to stop painting shades of blue. After all, there's one radiant shade of gold for all of those darker hues. And to ponder on a problem not yet found? That's just trouble, like putting razor teeth on a clown.

I dare you, sweetling, to dance with every step. It may seem like extra effort, but it gives you more energy for being off the ground. Besides, it's impossible for your spirits to drag when your body makes a bounce. (Let's have none of that heavy melancholy - not a single ounce!)

Just try it, baby. I promise that it works. You'll be far happier than any smug downer who reads this and smirks. Darling, adopt this policy of positivity and you'll discover what it means to go on and live! Sweetling, I've drawn the picture, so all you have to do is step on in. Go on...

I dare you.

An Important Issue

Since when is a pregnant teenager a national issue? She may be the daughter of the Republican nominee for vice president of the United States, but she's the duaghter of the Republican nominee for vice president of the United States. It's not like the preggers one is up for election. Just her mother.

But everytime I turn on the radio, someone's gasping over a girl's mistake, like it has some bearing on the next eight years of anyone's life but her own. And she's beating herself up for it already. It is ABSOLUTELY necessary for the global media to join in on the fun.

People may think I'm ornery for not wanting to hear about some Alaskan seventeen year old's oops with birth control. But I just don't see how that tidbit of controversy is pertinent to who shall be the next President of our nation. God forbid that the media should expend their time & effort analyzing the candidate's POLICIES. (That would be frightfully dull.)

"If her mother didn't want her in the media spotlight, she shouldn't have taken a position that she knew would expose all the UGLIES." OHMYGOD!!!!! Someone who would govern our country isn't PERFECT???? *faints* Honestly, you'd think people would have gotten that message after George Bush took office. But, somehow, it's still a lump of shit underneath the Christmas tree.

As much as I am loathe to agree with Obama (Though I do it quite often), he's right. The girl having known a man in the Biblical sense is a family matter (or at least none of OUR business), of inconsequential bearing upon our government, except for insomuch as the Republican candidate for VP can now be called "Grandma".

So... What are McCain's straight plans for health care, and how effective might they be? (Don't rightly know, since an unwanted pregnancy is all the media seems to see.)