
Once More With Feeling

We know everything and don't want to.

There are no exceptions.

So, tonight, I'm going to dance and I'm going to forget.

Then the fairy tale will end and we'll all go back to reality.

Maybe reality will be different for it, but I doubt it.

So I'll forget beyond tonight.

There is no need to covet what I do not have.

Let's enjoy it while it lasts, however brief a time that may be.

I won't mention it again.

But at least he smiled for awhile.

Maybe they'll call me 'baby' when we get back.

Honestly, I think I'd like that. How very, very strange.

Things have certainly changed.

Where do we go from here?

The curtain will almost certainly not close on a kiss, and my life lacks a soundtrack, so there'll be no ending cheer.

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