
Fluorescent Pursuit

Night shatters into a cold, fluorescent non-reality, harsh and sharp. A girl stumbles and cuts herself on the edge of the water, plunging her eyes into a blind time. Her pursuer whirls after her, a figment of her locked imagination, determined to find the door back.

Blades of grass stand in sharp relief, coaxing blood from their feet as they run from (towards) each other. Hide and Seek is pointless when everything is laid visible at once - no one and no thing can be found.

She swims toward concrete, thinking it to be the surface and salvation in her confusion. He dives in afterwards and freezes in the ice of her attitudes. (She used to be so warm and giving!) She strokes forward again and hits her head, hoping for dark's claim to find her.

No such fair fortune! The world is still a crystalline chaos of light that pierces the both of them through. (The deities of night laugh at their predicament.) From the wound she just inflicted, ruby flowers bloom and swallow the water, the ice, and the boy. Only she is left alone, the sensation a dragging torture on her soul. (The boy is unaffected - he sees the door.)

Static creeps across their screen and they are left to wonder... What does it all mean?

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