
Back to School

For some reason, I expected something to change over the past two weeks, shift, reveal something new, but I have found, to my great dismay, that nothing has. Everything is exactly the same. My friends are still self-centred, too busy talking at each other to pay attention in class, school is still dull, and the hallways still lock me into my customary silence. Why did I expect anything different?

This day is going to pass, as so many have before, in a series of inconsequential dramas that will be forgotten before the day is out, and in slow burns of overstimulation headaches. YAY! This day shall be just like the rest that have spiraled away into the annals of forgotten history. It's good to know how little it takes to get back into the school swing.

Would it appear strange if I were to bang my head against my desk repeatedly?

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