
My Ex is a Bisexual

This is the creepiest thing ever. I'm trying to repress the knowledge, but it just makes me feel so sick inside. It squicks me out!! Yeah, I know it shouldn't matter, but it's creepy. How can the guy I spent close to a year kissing and loving suddenly want all that with another GUY? It's screwy.

The thing is, I've got nothin' wrong with it, in theory. To each their own. But, honestly, I feel betrayed, stabbed through the back with a knife I never thought you'd DREAM of pickin' up. It tastes bitter, sour, warheads spiked blood, no sugar. Maybe if I'd known before, this wouldn't sting like so many hordes of jellyfish.

And perhaps if you'd told me yourself, it wouldn't be so bad either. But, no, I have to hear it from my best friend, the gossip queen, that you've moved completely under the status of 'man-whore'. I figured that's where you were heading, but I didn't... COULDN'T expect this.

Okay, I'm cool. I'm dealing with it. So, you're a bisexual man. Got it. You wouldn't mind having what we had with somebody else who happens to have a penis. Nothing screwy with that concept.

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