
Prince Charming

Why is that every guy thinks that every girl wants a prince? I mean, really. After all - this is no fairy tale. Any prince presented will inevitably be vapid, insipid, or just a plain out jerk. And even if this weren't the case, not every girl sits in her window and waits for a prince to happen along, nor does every girl go adventuring off to find one.

I can tell you right now that a prince would be wasted on the likes of me. No, chivalry in all its constance would bore me, serenades beneath my window drive me to stone him for the sake of my sanity, and bouquets of flowers irritate me irrationally. I'm simply NOT looking for Prince Charming.

I want a knight. His armor doesn't even have to be shiny. However, his sword must be sharp and his steed must be speedy. I want to be able to fight with him, to knock him down and be knocked down in turn. Prince Charming can go jump off a cliff. After all, this is no fairy tale I'm living, and I don't have the patience to wait for him to happen along, nor the time to go off and find him.

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