
Fork in the Road

The oddest things can make a person happy and the same goes for making a body swing toward miserable. And then you cross the two and you get the most fun thing ever - a mixed emotion! A hug from one guy being witnessed by another... it's hard to tell which strain is stronger. You got a fifty-fifty chance of guessing right. It's either the embarrassment and guilt turning your cheeks into cherries, or the satisfaction and pleasure making you smile. Your guess is as good as mine.

I know we're all thinking from experience right about now. We've all done something along that plane of existence, all felt the confusion it invokes. I don't know which clearly labeled arrow leads me where I want to go. I know the name of my destination, but I can't remember which is the bad one... Does the Devil live in Heaven or in Hell? Damn, what a puzzle - I just can't figure it out.

I feel like I'm being forced to choose between certain short term pleasure and more than dubious long term fulfillment. The thing is, the long term cancels out the short term, but not vice versa. And yet, I hesitate to make what seems to be the obvious choice. If I didn't know better, I'd say I was addicted to gambling. It's like I WANT to put my happiness on the tracks without knowing whether the train still runs.

So I've got a fifty-fifty chance on all counts. I'm still not sure where the Devil lives, nor do I know which emotion is the one (currently) tying me up in knots. The arrows are supposidly legible at this fork in the road, but even after all this pondering, I don't know which way is the one I'm s'posed to go.

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