
Opposition and Antagonism

Call me 'deflated', punctured like a balloon, no longer elated. I fail to see the point of this endless step-lightly dance. I'm going to hurt you, you're going to hurt me, so why do we have to make such a production out of the process? There's only so much theatre that true pain can bear.

Why would you WANT anything from me, besides my untimely demise? We share three things - a first period class, a bus route, and deep distaste, one for the other. I'm beginning to think you're just greedy.

"What'd I ever do to you?" Would you like me to take the time to actually ANSWER that question? Best pull up a chair to contain your inattention, 'cause though you asked, you never wanted an answer. It was just a rhetorical question meant to make a case that doesn't exist, but unfortunately for you, you get what you ask for.

You ripped up my reputation, chasing it from 'upright smart girl, decent, if quiet' to 'lesbian goth freak'. Maybe that's not all your fault, but in that particular plane crash, you were a homicidal co-pilot, driving me down toward the unforgiving ground. You abuse my friends with your loud words expressing battering opinions. I can forgive you for hurting me, but my friends are sacred space. I will not stand idly by and allow their defacement.

And yet, you think you are justified in demanding gifts from me, tribute to your heathen (supposed) divinity. That is a slight in and of itself. After all, you are the same that threatened me so explicitly with what you'd consider bodily harm. (I'd like to see you TRY and follow through.)

Oh, such RIGHTEOUS indignation. Who am I, a nobody, a nothing, a worthless 'dyke', a 'devil-worshipper', to tell you that YOU've done wrong? After all, you are one of God's children, and you are 'flawless' and 'perfect' in every way. It is the world that is mistaken - it's a conspiracy against God! More importantly, it's a plot against your sensibilities. You sicken me with your self-oriented blindness.

But, you raise an interesting point. Who am I, a nobody, a nothing, a worthless 'dyke', a 'devil-worshipper', to tell you that you've done wrong? Well, I have opinions that weren't implanted in my mind at birth, but rather formed over years of study and learning. I'm also a heterosexual Christian (yeah, you know shit about me), one of God's children myself, and I've SEEN what crimes you've committed against our brothers, our sisters. Sibling rivalry is one thing, but hate is NOT a family value. I learned to fight because of people like you, and now I wish you'd learn to let people like me stop fighting. But, hey. If you want to continue with this silly step-lightly dance, then I'm more than happy to oblige you. I've always been a natural dancer.

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