

Life is good. Hell, life is heavenly. It's days like these that restore my faith in the universe. Spending time with friends.... Well, that means a lot to me. You know, the Onore word for 'friends' is also the word for 'family'. Abhori. (The word for love is 'abhor.')

I guess that overall, I'm a very hope-filled person, full of faith that things work toward the better. That's an odd thought to invite into my parlor. But it's really what people have been telling me all my life. (Also that I'm a freak that shouldn't be alive, but those are different people.)

I so often write about things that bring me down, that make me mad, but that's really only a small portion of my life. You wouldn't know it, but I spend much of my time thinking that the future is bright, and its stars are brighter, and the future is tomorrow and tomorrow becomes today in a mere matter of twenty-four little hours. Life is a momentary fling with existence, and I refuse to waste mine away with moaning and groaning and thinking badly of it. Rose colored glasses? Don't even go there, sugar - I'm seeing things clean and clear, prettier for that truth that surrounds them.

My abhori give me faith, give me strength. I don't know what I would do without them, to be honest. (I never had REAL friends before.) But life is good. Let's not waste it with preponderances that it might be anything but.

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